National Womanhood | Natural Womanhood is the most far-reaching women’s health literacy program since the Pill. We exist because many women are harmed by or at risk from the use of contraceptives, and most don’t know they have a viable alternative.
Respect Life Program | U.S. Council of Catholic Bishops
One More Soul | Fostering God’s Plan for Love, Chastity, Marriage, and Children
- The Culture Project | The Culture Project is an initiative of young people set out to restore culture through the experience of virtue. We proclaim the dignity of the human person and the richness of living sexual integrity, inviting our culture to become fully alive.
- Facts About Fertility | FACTS is a group of physicians, healthcare professionals and educators working together to provide information about natural or fertility awareness based methods of family planning with the medical community. | Sound Choice Pharmaceutical Institute (SCPI) is a cutting edge biomedical research organization. Its president is Theresa Deisher Ph.D., a genetic engineer who, before founding SCPI as a nonprofit, had over 20 years’ experience in the pharmaceutical industry, from basic human biology through clinical trials. Since 1993 she has been involved in the use of genetic engineering to develop therapeutic processes. She discovered stem cells in adults and has worked on their potential therapeutic uses. As the result of this work her name is on 23 patents as the inventor.
USCCB Natural Family Planning Program | We proclaim that human life is a precious gift from God; that each person who receives this gift has responsibilities toward God, self and others; and that society, through its laws and social institutions, must protect and nurture human life at every stage of its existence.
Ave Maria Pharmacy | The Mission of Ave Maria Pharmacy is to provide individual patient care through the dispensing of medication in a manner consistent with the teaching of our Holy Catholic Church.
Ave Maria is a pro-life pharmacy. All persons will be treated with dignity and respect regardless of race, religion or state in life. Prescriptions should not only be appropriate for the condition being treated but must uphold the sanctity of life from natural conception to a natural death.
Therefore no drugs will be issued from Ave Maria Pharmacy that would inhibit conception or euthanize a person.