Events Archive, 2007

Events Archive, 20072018-07-30T23:21:56+00:00

2007 was marked by the return of our chaplain Fr. John Ehrich, STL in June. He completed two years of study in Rome. Fr. John Becker, SJ served as our interim chaplain, he was recognized for his service at the White Mass/ St. Luke’s Feast Day celebration.

Monthly meetings: on the first Tuesday of the month (Mass, light dinner and guest speaker and business meeting) topics covered included:

The Centrality of Recollection in the Life of Prayer
Timothy P. Herrman, Ph.D., S.T.L
Associate Director & Associate Professor, Ave Maria University

The Vocation of the Laity
Timothy P. Herrman, Ph.D., S.T.L
Associate Director & Associate Professor, Ave Maria University

Theology of the Body
Fr. Charlie Goriaeb
Pastor, Queen of Peace, Mesa

Christian Anthropology and Bioethics
Fr. John Ehrich, STL
Pastor, St Thomas the Apostle, Phoenix

The Morality of the Human Act
Fr. John Ehrich, STL
Pastor, St Thomas the Apostle, Phoenix

Traditional Ethical Principles
Fr. John Ehrich, STL
Pastor, St Thomas the Apostle, Phoenix

Lenten Retreat – Our annual retreat was held the first weekend of Lent in February at Mt. Claret Center. Fr. Jim Kelleher, SOLT was our retreat master. 19 attendees (12 Physicians, 3 RN’s, 1 psychologist, 3 prayer warriors)

National Catholic Bioethics Center (NCBC) Annual – Co-Sponsored with Bishop Olmsted in September.

We continue to attempt to have a presence at major events.

  • Rosary Sunday
  • ProLife Rally
  • March for Life

New officer elected October 2007: 

  • President: Thomas Nelson, MD (Psychiatry)
  • Vice President: William Brophy III, MD (Family Practice)
  • Secretary: Dcn. Richard Petersen, MD (Radiology)
  • Treasurer: Peter Labadie, DDS (Retired)

More Updates:

Approved revised Bylaws and have submitted the paperwork for our formal application for chartered Guild status.

Regional Update

A retreat for physicians in the Denver area was held on November 16-18, 2017 at Mt Saint Malo Retreat Center. Fr. Jim Kelleher was our retreat master. We hope to recruit enough interest to start a Guild.