Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events2018-07-30T23:16:33+00:00


Saturday March 24 10am – 3:00pm DPC Lenten Reflection

Father Dale Craig, SOLT, Pastor, MHT

Saturday April 21 10am Confessions, 11am Mass, 11:45 speaker/lunch. Fr. Ignatius FHS, TBA

Saturday May 12 10am Confessions, 11am Mass, 1145 speaker/lunch. Fr. Ignatius FHS, DPC Chapel, Rm 159A TBA

Saturday August 4, 10am Confessions,11am Mass, 11:45 speaker/lunch. Fr. Ignatius FHS, DPC Chapel, Room 104

Saturday September 8, 10am Confessions, 11am Mass, 11:45 speaker/lunch TBA. DPC Chapel, Room 104

Friday October 5 – Sunday October 7 Retreat. Fr. Charlie Goraieb. Franciscan Renewal Center

Saturday October 20 6pm White Mass. Homily and Keynote Speaker in banquet following, Father Peter Short, Vicar General Diocese of Gallup. Also with Bishop Olmsted.

DPC: Chapel. Rooms 159 A B

Saturday Nov. 17. 10am Confessions. 11am Mass, 11:45 speaker/lunch. Fr. Ignatius FHS DPC Chapel, Room 159A

Saturday December 8. 5pm Confessions 6:30 Advent Reflection & Reception.

Bishop Olmsted. DPC Chapel Room 159A.


January 14, 2017
Hormonal Birth Control, Abortion, and Breast Cancer — the Links
Dr. Jim Statt
retired Ob-Gyn
February 11, 2017
Seminar: Assisted suicide, euthanasia, death & dying
Nikolas Nikas, Esq

March 18, 2017
Lenten Retreat
Father Ignatius Mazanowski, FFHS
St. John the Baptist

April 28-29, 2017
National Catholic Bioethics Center Conference
Ethical & Religious Directives for Catholic Health Care Services
Father Tad Pacholczyk, John Haas, PhD, John Brehany, PhD,
John DeCamillo, PhD, Diane Ecret, MSN, RN

May 20, 2017
Ethical and Religious Directives
Tom Shellenberger, MD

June 7, 2017
Human Trafficking — the role of the health care giver
joint meeting with pregnancy centers

July 2017 — no meeting

August 5, 2017
Compassion, Mercy, and Forgiveness
Catherine Amiot – Mission of Mercy

Sept 7-9, 2017 Annual Conference Denver

Sept 29- Oct 1, 2017 Annual Retreat Franciscan Renewal Center’

Oct 21, 2017 White Mass
Sister Mary Diana Dreger, OP, MD
The Joy of Catholic Health Care: Why We Serve the Poor

November 11, 2017
Father Ignatius Mazanowski, FFHS
Medical Moral Decision Making

December 8, 2017
Advent Evening of Reflection
Bishop Olmsted

2016 Events

January 11, 2016
Dr. Cynthia Miley, Tucson
Patient Euthanasia
personal experience and job loss over refusal

February 8, 2016

March 14, 2016

April 11, 2016

May 9, 2016
Mike Phelan
Into the Breach
St. Thomas Apostle
hosted by KC’s

June 20, 2016
Dr. Lori Carrillo, Ob-Gyn
Hormonal Contraception
SSSJ Cathedral
hosted by KC’s

July 2016 – no meeting

August 8, 2016
Sister Anthony Mary Diago
Consecrated LIfe
Mater Misericordia
hosted by KC’s

September 12, 2016
HUSH — the movie
Christ the King Church
hosted by KC’s

September 23-25, 2016
CPG Retreat
Father Ignatius Mazanowski, FFHS

October 15, 2016
White Mass
Archbishop Cordileone

Nov 2016
no meeting

Congratulations to Billy Chavira, MD, on his ordination to the Permanent Diaconate November 5, 2016

December 9, 2016
Advent Reflection
Bishop Thomas Omsted